domingo, 29 de novembro de 2009

The Stone

"I was just wondering if you'd come along
Hold up my head when my head won't hold on
I'll do the same if the same's what you want"

achei subtilmente romântico

quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2009


"então tu é que és o Batman???? FOOOODA-SE granda merda..."

Nota- este blog it's my party...and I cry if I fucking want to!

terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2009

Pró Natal de presente...

(eu quero que seja ...)


(suspirei e negativamente acenei com a cabeça a minha auto-reprovação)

afastou-lhe o cabelo negro do rosto, pressionou o polegar com o indicador até o indicador se soltar veloz contra o nariz dela


- teve graça...

- não não teve.. ouve lá...achas que ...-parou, colocou as mãos sobre as ancas- não vais gozar novamente com o meu sotaque pois não?

sorriu-lhe, não era preciso gozar pois o trabalho já estava feito, era somente sorrir...

virou-lhe costas, era demais...primeiro chamava-lhe Zooey Deschanel wannabe, depois pita de Lordelo, depois vilipendiava a vila das aves... mouro do carago, não fosse aquela barba de três dias e como ele diria- um enorme talento para sapateado, bordados e filigrana...

virou-se, rodeou-lhe o pescoço com os braços e sorriu

- o que me vais dar pelo natal?

- pelo natal? oube lá...

- a sério...diz lá... quero algo que me lembre de ti, que me faça pensar em ti...que eu possa levar comigo...

- mas quem disse que eu te vou dar prenda? isto não é assim, não chegas aqui e dizes que queres um Preeesieeeente

-vai à merda....diz-me...

- algo que te lembre de mim? que te faça pensar em mim...que possas levar contigo...

sorriu, sorriu e afastou-a

- hey! o que me vais dar???

virou-se, aproximou-se, puxou-lhe o cabelo negro num semi-circulo com o indicador para trás da orelha, deu-lhe um beijo no rosto e deslizou para o ouvido sussurando-lhe:

- Herpes!!!!


To Barbara (kitty kitty) Rosa, with love

segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2009

quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2009

Calvin & Hobbes

Não, não me esqueci.

Apenas e somente o tempo foi canalha e não consegui antes das 24h(se fosse 00h já era no dia seguinte...dai eu ter nascido a 10 de outubro e não a 9...)

No dia 18 de Novembro de 1985 Calvin & Hobbes nasce para a humanidade para a enriquecer, para nos mostrar não só a simplicidade das coisas mas também o seu valor-quanto mais simples melhor talvez...

talvez em 3 quadradinhos por dia...

e ao domingo colorido numa janela maior

como quem diz a alguém que Ama porque é isto aquilo e aqueloutro...

e não apenas que Ama porque é o que sente

Meio ano após o lançamento Calvin & Hobbes era publicado por mais de 400 jornais

tanta palha nos livros de filosofia no 10º e 11º anos e pelo meio...uma tira do Calvin...o resto era palha...

Como eu uma vez sabiamente disse (sim eu sabiamente... um sinal do apocalipse!)

" Amo-te o resto é palha"

Obrigado Bill Watterson

quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2009

It's me, Comedown...

smiled and closed the wool jacket.

the wind messed up his air, the rain sparkle his glasses without taking his smile away.

slowly close the café door behind him and quest for an empty table.

grab the smoothest pencil he had, draw a curved line, waltz that line until her face, her shoulders smiled back to him.

he took the café to the lips, eyes close, god how much he miss her...

he breathe deep one time... two times... and grab the cell phone

- i wish you where here right now- and send her the text message

he waited, waited until the drawing took him away from what he was waiting for...

finally, after about five minutes she message back

- why? are you horney? want some... Funkytime avec moi?

he smiled, not the i love you crazy smile, the basterd (tarantino style) she gonna be pissed one

- No! i want you here so you can go make me a sandwich women!!! no butter, just cheese.

it was a mess, it was a mess inside him, to have something so strong taking the control away from him... specially after so long, after so many battles won againts his inner demons, againts all the troubles that splashed all over him from time to time...

he had made the decision to not ever never ever forever never ever be caught in the position she took him now...

kinda like she kicked several types of ass until he had no way out but to recognize that he loves her...

(was she an emotional chuck norris on him?)

or was he just letting the princess inside him to reveal in a girly way of feeling? what a gay way of thinking! a men doesnt get emothional unless his team sodomized the rival 5-0 or the bell ringed for Rocky Balboa final round

(ok, if the dog dies, a dude can get emothional, if its the cat... fuck it, the cat was planing your dead all the time, karma got the kitten first)

the draw was almost done, somehow, manage to grab her smile, to stole it and draw it away now, her eyes, smile and naked shoulder...

suddently, like an elton john song you find you've been singing along in front of your bro's without you notice, the cell phone started to shake like a sugar addict or a womans vagina when Julio Iglesias walks in a 30km radius

- It's me... comedown

the door closed behind him, saw her coming out of the car and her image hit him... like a wave, like when they layed in his bed and he kissed her in the mouth without waking her up, without falling asleep just to absorv her body, her smell, like that wave... like the second before the wave hits you- like the mission song... And it hits me... just like a runaway train, and its blows me away... just like an hurricane...- she somehow made him fall on his knees everytime, surrender with no conditions just by looking at her...

looking at those brown eyes with so much to know inside, that hook him at the first time he saw her... and he did trully made an effort to check the cleavage- its a law, you gotta check the cleavage- but her eyes were to much for him to look some other place

her arms sorround him while she curled her back to kiss him

- i'm sorry for showing up... i gotta talk to you - she said, she kissed him, she made him know she was there to stay
- you fucked up...
im loosing my shit cause of you...
i think of you all the time
and im going crazy when im not with u
and this never - EVER- happens to me
im fucking awesome, i have a great GPS-great personal style- and im looking like a teen in love with you
i dont give a fuck about your bitch ex
cause you're fucking mine-she started to point her finger to him, hitting him in the chest with it
...and im also hotter than her... and you know it boy!
and i know you love me, I know it!
but you better start to lose your shit with me quick, you better go insane without me and start showing up all the time cause you couldnt stand without me, no respect my space like you been doing...
and you better travel with me soon so we can be together just the two...
and you better take me today to the cinema to see new moon at the premier...
and you better say right now that you love me...
... or i'll fucking kill you!

- you wanna see the fairy movie?

- fairy? i mean the ...

- the mythic creature that runs around in the woods, doesnt kill people, shines and sparkles in the sun?... thats a fairy!! for me those movies need... Blade! yeah... wesley "no taxes" snipes showing up kicking some Emo-Vampire ass, droping the - I was born ready Motherfucker - line all over those legalize gay marriage fruty vampire...

- sometimes- she said while pushed him away- you are a jackass...

he grab her by the jacket belt back to him, she was going no where else than back to his arms, and she was going nowwhere else fast (nowhere fast- fire inc reference... im awesome)

- i already have 2 tickets... i know you wanted to see that...thing...

- you do?

- yes, i took care of it yeasterday... cause thats how i roll baby!

she smiled and kiss him, kiss him with passion, with surprise and power, with the slow tasting your love flavour... no need to hurry up...

- i guess that this means that i ... i kinda own you one... anything on your mind?

he smiled, basterd smile


( to Liza, with love)

segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2009

Ou agora...mais tarde

se era o tempo que passou no intervalo...
sentado, aguardando num aeroporto em Buenos Aires, em que a ouvi com força e indiferença...

ou agora... mais tarde...

anos mais tarde depois de nós... após uma noite (e muitos tangos) com outra que não tu...

a recordação, a música que te trouxe em feitiço de novo à minha mente, tu do passado mas agora, tão diferente... tão diferente do jeito que te vejo, que te lembro, que te oiço...

é um feitiço fora de prazo.

( ironicamente já se encontrava estragado dentro do prazo...mas adiante)

melodia chata, um ou dois sorrisos falsos de aceitação (era eu), uma mentira ternurenta, de quem diz que acredita mas nunca foi teu para acreditar

nem sei de quem falo também...nunca fui de ninguém.

mas das músicas agora gosto...
